Emma Elinor Lundin

Historian & journalist

A postcard from Stockholm II

May 2015

It's been two and a half years since I was here last, for that month-long research trip in 2012. Stockholm was covered in a thick blanket of snow, the sun set just after 2pm and I didn't dare walk down the icy steps to the communal laundrette. This time, it's May: sunny, warm and windy. I'm back for a final stint in the archives and libraries (the library of the Swedish parliament, pictured, is a recent discovery; home to the parliamentary annuals that form the basis for my gender-balance statistics) before I submit my PhD thesis in the summer. I walk everywhere, and spend my days editing, updating and reshaping the final draft - a 100,000 tome. Two days in; 12 to go. 

All content and imagery © Emma Elinor Lundin 2010-2023